While no amount of fuels treatment or preparation could have stopped the unprecedented wildfires of this September, we are learning more about how to prepare for the eventuality of future fires, and steps in the recovery of impacted forests. We are also gaining new appreciation that Western Oregon forests and communities are as vulnerable to catastrophic losses as our neighbors in California.
Some simple forest management practices help reduce wildfire risk. Thinning helps maintain tree vigor and reduces moisture stress, especially on harsh sites. Maintaining hardwoods and shrubs helps to fire-proof forests. Developing on-site water sources and having firefighting tools on-the-ready can prove invaluable if a fire threatens. Assess risks and identify resources in a Fire Plan for your forest, and protect critical resources by developing defensible space. Keep roads cleared and access open to aid firefighters. Make sure culverts are adequate and functioning—flash-floods often follow wildfire, threatening your road system and other structures. Coordinate with your neighbors.
Recovery Resources
OSU Extension recently launched a new Fire Program, hiring four new regional fire specialists. To quickly address the information void, OSU developed the After the Fire webinar series to guide owners in the assessment and recovery process. Timely new research from US Forest Service provides guides to assess post-fire tree mortality probability, summarized in a new ODF fact sheet. USDA’s Farm Service Agency and Natural Resources Conservation Service have been quick to respond with emergency cost-share reforestation programs. Trout Mountain foresters are helping several owners with wildfire recovery. Contact us for more information, or visit the links below.
OSU Extension Fire Program: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/fire-program
OSU Fire Webinars: https://extension.oregonstate.edu/fire-program/fire-program-online-webinar-guide
ODF Tree Mortality Fact Sheet: https://www.oregon.gov/odf/Documents/forestbenefits/post-fire-tree-mortality.pdf
USFS Post-Fire Tree Assessment: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd814664.pdf
FSA Emergency Forest Restoration: https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/disaster-assistance-program/emergency-forest-restoration/index
NRCS: Wildfire Emergency Stabilization: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/or/programs/financial/eqip/?cid=nrcseprd1660818
EQIP Wildfire Reforestation: program in development, contact your local county NRCS office