What We Do: Restore
We have conducted scores of large and small-scale forest restoration projects, including restoring historic oak savanna and woodlands, fish-bearing streams, and old growth forests. We combine a deep understanding of your conservation goals with practical experience in timber management.
-Oak woodland and savanna restoration
-Stream and fish habitat restoration
-Thinning to promote older forest habitat
-Snag and down woody debris creation
-Invasive species control
-Pre-commercial thinning
-Fuels reduction
-Native tree and shrub planting
-Accessing state and federal cost-share programs
We provide a full range of forestry services. What sets us apart is our approach to the business of consulting forestry. First and foremost, when you become our client, we become your agent, representing your interests in any forestry transactions. This includes complete financial transparency and our total dedication to meeting your goals, which often involve a balance of financial and ecological considerations. Our commitment to you and your land is not short-term. Many of our clients have been with us for generations.